NODO 1a - CIEM/UPC - CIEMito Wave Flume - Canal d’Investigació i Experimentació Marítima small scale
The CIEMito is a 2DV small scale wave-and-current flume designed to maximize the typology test variability while minimizing costs, without affecting the quality of the results. The CIEMito flume is a scaled reproduction of the CIEM in crystal walls allowing the mobile bed conditions and the reproduction of breakwater and coastal conditions.
Main characteristics:
- Length: 18m
- Width: 0.4m
- Height: 0.6m
- Maximum water height: 0.36m
- Wave generator: piston-type board, whose motion is provided by a linear actuator 1m maximum stroke and speed of response 1.6m/s. The maximum theoretical capacity to a depth of 0.36m corresponds to a wave period and 1.7s of 0.28m in height. Generation software used has been developed at LIM/UPC and allows the generation of regular and irregular waves and time series reproduction.
- Current generator: bidirectional system with a maximum capacity of 8l/s
Node: iCiem
Localization: LIM/UPC